Soul destroying architecture.

This is the Bar the dark night shoot out is taking place in. Character positions are updated each turn.

On with what is happening....

The mass on the dance floor scatter, some in complete panic. Other more focused.
Those not getting out of the way are met by a hail of bullets, sending bodies spinning and flesh flying. At the back of the club panic ensues as people rush for the door, it becomes rapidly becomes jammed by the panicing club goers. People falling and crawling are trampled.

Sparks head over the bar ducking down behind it. The bars phone a few feet above her head. The paniced bar staff drop down next to her. "You're a sla op. Do something!"

Those with Tac coms can hear Sunshines voice echo in ther ears, "Hey ever one all right?"

As freeker dives for one of the booths he grabs a chair and flings it in the direction of the stage.
The sudden movement draws the attention of the man on stage firing, Instinctivly he swings the weapon at the incoming target. The hail of bullets splinter into the plastic sending shrapnel flying.

Tl'Kmth and Pepper duck down behind a thick table as Tl'Kmth pulls it over.
They are joined by more bodies seeing this limited protection as better than nothing.

The tac com splutters again: "how many target have we got beside one's on stage?"
Sunshine from her vantage point nearer the front of the room can hear commotion back stage. Hard to make out details in the confusion.

The room is filled by two large booms. The first shot takes the man distracted by the chair in the shoulder. Armour fragments as it spins him into the path of the second shot. The drummer sits in shock as skull fragments and brain tissue scatter across his kit and land in his lap.

Three shots from freeker pepper the body of the now headless man as it falls to the floor.
In the heightened observation of combat it is obvious the bullets are doing no where near the damage of the two from the bar.

The man covering the band swings and starts shooting towards the bar and the obvious threat.

The leader stares at the twisting body of his companion as it drops to the floor.
He pulls the trigger.
<OOC sorry Macky. Looks like you'll need a new lead. Or may be this guy was a stand in for the night?>
The singers body bucks as the bullet enters his brain and his body twitches at he drops to the floor.
His ex-captor starts to dive for cover.

Having now checked Macky's files...The Band


The Dark night on the stage swings the rain of bullets towards the bar, as the path clears them Tl'Kmth leaps onto the table and opens up at the fleeing murder. The 2 of the 3 603 bullets embed into the armor of the legs as he vanishes between the stage and the curtain. The final bullet shatters the drum kit.

Boomer dives down into cover landing next to Pepper. His voice rings over the tac com "Are we having fun yet kiddies? "

The bullets shatter across the optics at the back of the bar. A large bottle falls next to Sparks. She grabs a bar towel already soaked by the rain of spirits and stuffs it into the shattered top.
Next to her the bar manager screams. "What are you doing? Just shoot him!"

Sunshine calculates. The air hazing around her as she folds out of existance,

Blaze appears at the back curtain. He swings the gun at the obvious target on the stage and lets fly with a 12.7mm Hesh round.
The face of the DN deformes into jelly before erupting in a cone of blood and splattering out onto the dead bodies on the dance floor.

The world twisting as sunshine reforms behind the headless man still shooting into the bar, as his body is not yet aware that there is no longer a controlling brain.

Blaze's voice rings out. "DUCK, MATE!!!"

Boomers voice rings out "BTW try to keep one alive for questioning." As he snaps a shot off at the already dead body.
Sunshine ducks as the bullet embeds into her shoulder, the Death suit taking the damage.

The impact hits Blaze in the hip (armour says Ow), drawing his attention to a forth dark night agent his hand round the neck of a young groupee clad only in a wide band of plastic. The fear in her eyes is all to obvious.
The Singer killer rolls out from under the curtain and looks up.

2 live DN's both now back stage.
2 dead, both headless.
1 hostage.

Blaze is at the curtain between back stage and front of house
Front of house:
Tl'Kmth and Sunshine are out in the open.
Pepper, freeker and Boomer all in cover behind tables
Sparks and her Molotov behind the bar.